Arcade - Arcade

We have made reasonable effort to verify that this list is accurate, however, due to the sheer number of games ares supports, there may be some issues that we missed. If you encounter any problems not specified here, please let us know by creating an issue on GitHub and we will investigate.

Games marked with an Unverified badge are expected to be playable to completion; but have not yet been verified by doing so. If you have completed an unverified title, please let us know on Discord, and we will update the status.

Title Status Version Notes GitHub Issues
Champion Boxing [chboxing] Completable Unverified v134 0
Champion Pro Wrestling [chwrestl] Nothing v134 Unsupported encryption 0
Doki Doki Penguin Land [dokidoki] Completable Unverified v134 0
Eleven Beat [11beat] Completable Unverified v142 0
Hanabi de Doon! - Don-chan Puzzle [doncdoon] Completable Unverified v142 0
Hi Pai Paradise [hipai] Completable Unverified v142 0
Hi Pai Paradise 2 [hipai2] Completable Unverified v142 0
Kurukuru Fever [kurufev] Completable Unverified v142 0
Magical Tetris Challenge (981009 Japan) [mtetrisc] In-Game v142 Unemulated extra video hardware 0
Mayjinsen 3 [mayjin3] Completable Unverified v142 0
Star Soldier: Vanishing Earth [starsldr] Completable Unverified v142 0
Super Real Mahjong VS (Rev A) [srmvs] Completable Unverified v142 0
Super Real Mahjong VS [srmvsa] Completable Unverified v142 0
Tower & Shaft [twrshaft] Completable Unverified v142 0
Vivid Dolls [vivdolls] Completable Unverified v142 0